Forums - The official Anakaris thread... Show all 8 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- The official Anakaris thread... ( Posted by Murakumo on 06:18:2001 03:51 AM: The official Anakaris thread... OK, Anakaris... Anakaris is abnormal Dhalsim is abnormal I like Dhalsim Due to the wonders of the transitive property... I like Anakaris Now I just need to know how to play him better and I am just starting to learn him. Anybody who would like to contribute with anything please do (I don't know mch yet). As I learn more with him I'll chip in too. NOW POST PEOPLE! =P ~Murakumo Posted by HuStLeMaN17 on 06:18:2001 04:00 AM: We'll Kariz plays a pretty mean keepaway game, if done correctly. I would recomond you use him with cyclops or gambit, doesent have to be these characters I just think its good to have 1 of these guys for infinite purposes. Anyways his keepaway goes something like this super jump, coffin drop all over the place then dash coffin drop come back down small ground chanin into assist super jump repeat. This is by no means a real trap but it should work while your busy builiding meter. Once you build enough meter start using which ever super you think would work in the right situation. Sorry iam a bit tired I'll commit more laterz,hope this helped a little bit. Posted by elffzero on 06:18:2001 10:01 AM: wraps is the man. he has alot of evil evil moves, problem is getting them off. wraps is the kind of character who requires heavy practice to be effective with, and you have to play alot of mind games as well. he's all about confusion, and if you are predictable, youre dead. much more so that with almost any other character. his moves are good but they have some sort of fatal flaw usually that makes them non abusable. take his idle hands for instance. great move.instant, unblockable, good range... just don't whiff. use this move alot, but only when they don't excpect it. the trick is to catch them walking forward,dashing,calling and assist or whiffing a move. whiff = ouch. coffin drops are a way cool method of staying afloat, finishing off blocked ground chains, or just closing off space to avoid dash-ins. but throw too many and you get hit w/ an AAA or some other form of anti-air. too many coffins = ouch. but with the coffins it really depends on the team your fighting. if they have no AAA and the point char doesn't have a reliable method of getting to you, then by all means drop coffins like a madman. if your opponent likes to SJ and combo you if you drop coffins you may want to throw out a random curse see if he runs into it. but see how your opponent reacts to the repeated coffin drops first, that'll tell you how many you can get away with. wraps' ducking ground chain is really good. it's long(of you let sp hit twice) and has excellent reach. because of it's duration you hav ample to to call assists during the combo and keep the pressure on or setup for big combos. his cr.rh has sick reach. use it alot. dashing cr.rh is an excellent weapon. his launcher has good priority but no horiz. range. it also has bad lag at the end. if blocked cancel it with some, idle hands, a super whatever. wraps takes damage almost as bad as that badger looking guy who everyone loved in mvc1 and now shun him like a leper. no loyalty these days. none at all. i got more general info but im sure it's been posted elswhere and my lunch is almost up. just remember noone can pronounce anakaris. just call him wraps. 'sounds better. Posted by DeathFromAbove on 06:18:2001 10:34 AM: Just thought I'd add a few general tips. In no particular order: Never jump, always superjump. SJ.HK is the same animation as C.HK, except in the air. VERY nice attack. SJ.LK hits WAY above Anakaris. You can easily SJ up from below someone and hit them with this. C.HP (launcher) hits on both sides of Anakaris, and is absolutely invincible against air attacks. Use it against triangle jumps, and use it against Cable's jumping HK (that'll teach that bastard) Anakaris beats runaway. Period. Pharoah Illusion does approximately the same damage as Raging Demon...for 1 HC level. It's not easy to combo, but you might try setting it up, because that's killer damage. Asp Rush annihilates helper characters at point blank range. Baiting AAA out can be rewarding, especially if you DHC it to something like Hailstorm. Dead helper. Against keepaway, drop your coffins slightly behind the opponent. That way, the coffins won't be negated by the projectiles they throw, and they'll hit the opponent in the back of the head. Coffins don't disappear once they start coming. It's really funny when the coffin hits Cable out of AHVB The wider your opponent, the more you should use Idle Hands, and Coffin Drop. SJ, immediately airdash. SJ.HP can hit them from the opponent from that height. Makes a nice cross-up, especially if you called an assist 1st. Question: does Pyramid drop put Anakaris back in normal jump when you use it during a SJ? If so, you could cancel it with airdash, and call a helper, for a nice cross-up. Not so sure about this one. It's been a while since I played with him. -DFA Posted by elffzero on 06:18:2001 10:59 AM: Answer: yes his pyramid drop does put you in a normal jump mode. dunno if you can call assists though, theoretically you should be able to. wish i had my DC in front of me. but if you were to airdash after a pyamid drop you would just drop after that unable to block. very very bad. think dhalsim after a drill->dash. Posted by HuStLeMaN17 on 06:18:2001 01:53 PM: DeatFromAbove and Ellfzero great job explaining Kariz, thats basically everything I was going to say also, I think this is a very good thread ^ ___ ^ P.S. While using Kariz dont get hit Posted by Murakumo on 06:19:2001 07:26 PM: just refreshing this... BTW, does anyone know how to do the Anakaris infinite(s)? I've heard about it with Cyke, Spiral, and Gambit but am not sure how it is performed. Thx... I finally get to the arcade today to try all of this out! ~Murakumo Posted by tortoise on 06:19:2001 08:03 PM: quote: Originally posted by Murakumo just refreshing this... BTW, does anyone know how to do the Anakaris infinite(s)? I've heard about it with Cyke, Spiral, and Gambit but am not sure how it is performed. Thx... I finally get to the arcade today to try all of this out! ~Murakumo His infinite is just doing a curse, calling an assist, cursing again, assist, curse, etc etc. It's easiest with an assist that hits for a while, such as Cyk or Spiral. All times are GMT. The time now is 10:25 PM. Show all 8 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.